Granular Coconut Shell

Camfil's granular coconut shell carbons are a very high-quality grade of granular activated carbon that has an adsorptive capacity towards a very wide range of volatile organic gases and odours. This material is useful when the exact nature of the contaminants has not been determined. Granular coconut shell can be used in shallow, moderate and deep bed configurations to provide the very highest levels of performance in any application.

  • The most versatile molecular media available in a range of mesh sizes
  • Ideal for low to medium molecular weight and higher volatility contaminants
  • Excellent adsorption for criteria air pollutants: ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide.
  • Exceptional control of odours from cannabis and other malodorous sources
  • Able to be installed in any manufacturer's loose-fill filters
  • ISO 10121-1:2014 tested media
  • ICON6 Molecular
  • ICON37 ISO10121


Best media for all-purpose odour control. Ideal for low and medium molecular weight, higher volatility contaminants. It can be used in shallow, moderate and deep bed configurations.
Activated Carbon
Max temperature (°C)
Relative Humidity
Installation options
All loose-fill molecular air filters.

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