Needlefelt and fabric filters are used in many industrial dust and fume extraction applications which often include high temperatures or chemically aggressive mixtures. Camfil offers a wide range of these type of filters, including different forms and a variety of surface and media treatments made to fit your baghouse filter system.
These filters are produced in many forms including socks, sleeves and multi-pocket bags and are available for retrofitting into many makes and models of dust collectors such as Donaldson Unimaster, Donaldson Dalamatic, Schuech, Intensiv, Airmaster and Delta Neu.
Camfil´s needlefelt and fabric filters are offered in different sizes to fit perfectly into your extraction system. Customisations are available according to your needs such as top cuff designs, spring fittings for integrity in sealing, reinforced sections and bottoms in order to minimise wear and tear.
There are numerous types of media such as polyester, polypropylene, polyamide, Teflon and even utilising glass fibres in some applications. Media needs to have properties to deal with materials extracted from the manufacturing processes and are often subjected to high temperatures, chemical content, oil, moisture and also explosive atmospheres.
Combinations of these media are available with treatments for flame retardancy, calendared and glazed smooth surface, hydrophobic & oleophobic, antistatic and PTFE or PU membranes. To provide the best separation efficiency and effective dedusting the filter media selection is critical.