Containment Options For Dust Collectors

Containment Options

Containment systems on a dust collector ensure that harmful dust doesn't escape during normal operation as well as during routine maintenance, mitigating exposure risks for operators and the environment.

Especially on applications generating harmful dust or in multi-product manufacturing facilities where cross-contamination is a concern, containment solutions are mandatory to ensure that dust doesn’t escape during normal operation as well as during routine service and maintenance work on the extraction system.

To ensure safe handling of harmful dust, Camfil provides various containment solutions:
- Safe-change option for filter elements: Camfil's Bag-In Bag-Out (BIBO) technology is used to prevent operator exposure and the collected material from escaping when performing filter change-outs.
- Dual valve waste dust discharge system: The system handles the waste dust from the hopper to a bag or a continuous liner system, without interrupting the process and maintaining the pressure inside the dust collector.
- Continuous liner system: The continuous liner is used at the hopper discharge system of a dust collector, utilising Camfil's Bag-In Bag-Out safe-change technology, preventing dust from escaping during the waste disposal process.

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