

Camfil has been providing solutions for nuclear power plants since the early 1960s. Today, we are the global leader in nuclear particulate and gas-phase filtration with experience from more than 90 plants around the world.

Nuclear-generated power is becoming increasingly attractive as nations look to reduce their carbon footprint more and more. Safety is also a key concern as facilities are built and operated. Safety is paramount to us as well – which is why Camfil offers high-quality products produced by world-class professionals in best-in-class manufacturing facilities.

Our efforts are driven by the need to offer our clients an extensive range of products and services catering to many diverse requirements, whether based on technical or commercial criteria. With manufacturing centres of excellence in France, Germany and the United States, Camfil is uniquely qualified to furnish nuclear-grade equipment and filters for the world’s power producers.

Our solutions also include:

  • Air inlet filtration systems
  • Acoustic enclosures and ventilation
  • Exhaust systems
  • Diverter dampers
  • Ducting
  • Silencers
  • Anti-icing systems
  • Service and refurbishment


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