ProCarb exhaust filters have a deep-bed, loose-filled configuration. They provide the very highest level of control of molecular contamination in exhaust air applications. ProCarb exhaust filters are inherently leak-free devices.
ProCarb exhaust filters use a large amount of molecular filtration media per unit air flow. This provides an extended contact time and results in extremely high removal efficiency and lowest possible operating cost. The principal uses for Procarb exhaust filters are prevent releases of odours or toxic gases from manufacturing and other industrial facilities. ProCarb exhaust filters are designed to reduce peak gas concentrations of tens of parts per million (ppm) to low single digit concentrations measured in parts per billion (ppb). ProCarb exhaust filters have relatively small footprints and can be supplied with pre- and after-filtration integrated into the same housing. The material of construction can be selected to suit the application. Bosses can be provided for instrumentation. ProCarb exhaust filters are simple and safe to install, operate and maintain. Changing the filter media can be handled manually (gravity) or mechanically (vacuum) depending on the size of the filter and the site conditions.