Basic-Flo G

This bag filter comes with a synthetic media in a plastic frame. It is available in ePM1 as well as ePM2.5 and ePM10 efficiencies according to ISO16890. This product range comes with a reduced amount of bags for cost optimization.

  • Economy version
  • Resilient synthetic filter media
  • Optimized filter area with conical filter bags
  • Fully incinerable with the plastic frame
  • ICON3 efficiency guarantee
  • ICON23 Eurovent_no_abc
  • ICON31 Mount_bagfilters
Item Type ISO 16890 Filter Class EN779 Width (mm) Height (mm) Depth (mm) Airflow (m3/h) Pressure drop Initial (Pa) Energy (kWh/year) Energy Class (Eurovent)
A5 ePM10 50% M5 592 592 600 3400 50 929 D
B5 M5 490 592 600 2800 50 C
C5 M5 287 592 600 1700 50 C
A565 M5 592 490 600 2800 50 C
A563 M5 592 287 600 1700 50 C
C533 M5 287 287 600 800 50 C
A5/520 ePM10 50% M5 592 592 520 3400 55 940 D
B5/520 M5 490 592 520 2800 55 D
C5/520 M5 287 592 520 1700 55 D
A565/520 M5 592 490 520 2800 55 D
A563/520 M5 592 287 520 1700 55 D
C533/520 M5 287 287 520 800 55 D
A5/370 M5 592 592 370 3400 60 E
B5/370 M5 490 592 370 2800 60 E
C5/370 M5 287 592 370 1700 60 E
A565/370 M5 592 490 370 2800 60 E
A563/370 M5 592 287 370 1700 60 E
C533/370 M5 287 287 370 800 60 E
A6 ePM10 70% M6 592 592 600 3400 60 1450 E
B6 M6 490 592 600 2800 60 E
C6 M6 287 592 600 1700 60 E
A665 M6 592 490 600 2800 60 E
A663 M6 592 287 600 1700 60 E
C633 M6 287 287 600 800 60 E
A6/520 ePM10 70% M6 592 592 520 3400 65 2277 E
B6/520 M6 490 592 520 2800 65 E
C6/520 M6 287 592 520 1700 65 E
A665/520 M6 592 490 520 2800 65 E
A663/520 M6 592 287 520 1700 65 E
C633/520 M6 287 287 520 800 65 E
A6/370 M6 592 592 370 3400 85 E
B6/370 M6 490 592 370 2800 85 E
C6/370 M6 287 592 370 1700 85 E
A665/370 M6 592 490 370 2800 85 E
A663/370 M6 592 287 370 1700 85 E
C633/370 M6 287 287 370 800 85 E
A735+ ePM2,5 70% F7 592 592 600 3400 120 1937 D
B7 F7 490 592 600 2800 120 C
C7 F7 287 592 600 1700 120 C
A765 F7 592 490 600 2800 120 C
A763 F7 592 287 600 1700 120 C
C733 F7 287 287 600 800 120 C
A7/52035+ ePM2,5 70% F7 592 592 520 3400 135 E
B7/520 F7 490 592 520 2800 135 D
C7/520 F7 287 592 520 1700 135 D
A765/520 F7 592 490 520 2800 135 D
A763/520 F7 592 287 520 1700 135 D
C733/520 F7 287 287 520 800 135 D
A7/37035+ F7 592 592 370 3400 185 2566 E
B7/370 F7 490 592 370 2800 185 E
C7/370 F7 287 592 370 1700 185 E
A765/370 F7 592 490 370 2800 185 E
A763/370 F7 592 287 370 1700 185 E
C733/370 F7 287 287 370 800 185 E
UF7C35+ ePM2,5 70% F7 592 592 600 3400 110 1790 D
UG7 F7 490 592 600 2800 110 C
UH7 F7 287 592 600 1700 110 C
UF765 F7 592 490 600 2800 110 C
UF763 F7 592 287 600 1700 110 C
UH733 F7 287 287 600 800 110 C
UF7/52035+ ePM2,5 70% F7 592 592 520 3400 120 1971 D
UG7/520 F7 490 592 520 2800 120 C
UH7/520 F7 287 592 520 1700 120 C
UF765/520 F7 592 490 520 2800 120 C
UF763/520 F7 592 287 520 1700 120 C
UH733/520 F7 287 287 520 800 120 C
UF7/37035+ ePM2,5 70% F7 592 592 370 3400 150 E
UG7/370 F7 490 592 370 2800 150 D
UH7/370 F7 287 592 370 1700 150 D
UF765/370 F7 592 490 370 2800 150 D
UF763/370 F7 592 287 370 1700 150 D
UH733/370 F7 287 287 370 800 150 D
 Pressure drop calculation tool is available

Calculate pressure drop

Choose a full-size filter module in the table above to calculate the pressure drop.
Full-size filter modules are typically 592x592mm for bag/panel filters and 610x610mm for HEPA filters.


Filtration of fresh air or recirculated air in the climate controlled spaces
Filter Frame
Max temperature (°C)
Relative Humidity
Max final pressure drop, EN 13053
Initial pressure drop + 100 Pa or initial pressure drop x3 (whichever is lower)
Dimension standard
Filter front dimensions according EN 15805
Max Airflow
1,25 x nominal flow

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