CamClose Compact

  • High water removal efficiency
  • High dust holding capacity
  • High strength ABS frame
  • Fully incinerable
  • ICON7
  • ICON 54 ISO 29461 icon
Item Type ISO 29461 ISO/PM rating Filter Class EN779 Filter Class ASHRAE Width (mm) Height (mm) Depth (mm) Airflow (m3/h) Pressure drop Initial (Pa)
Camclose Compact - 592x592x96-T2 T2 Coarse 70% G4 MERV 7 592 592 96 4250 60
CamClose Compact -592x592x96-M6 ePM2,5 50% M6 MERV 11 592 592 96 4250 105


Pre-filter with high efficiency removal of water and mist with medium efficiency removal of airborne particulates
Filter Frame
Glass fiber, Synthetic
Relative Humidity
Recommended final pressure drop
450 Pa
Polyurethane, Neoprene
DIN 53438.
Filter Class ASHRAE

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CamClose: New Generation Panel Air Filter for Gas Turbines & Turbomachinery

The CamClose panel air filter is engineered for gas turbine air intake systems to provide hassle free operations, stable performance and increased protection.

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How EPA Filters Can Save You Millions of Dollars

EGAT North Power Generation Shifted to CamGT Filters and Saved $1.24M USD in Yearly Power Degradation

Egat North, the largest energy producer in Thailand, upgraded to Hi-Flo and CamClose air intake pre-filters as well as CamGT final EPA air filters and lowered degradation by 70%, reduced water wash requirements, and saved approximately $1.24M USD per year.

Case Studies Energy and Power Systems

Combined Cycle Plant installs a CamLab on-site for 3 months to test filters & LCC shows $900 000 USD savings over a 6-year timeframe

Egat North, the largest energy producer in Thailand, upgraded to Hi-Flo and CamClose air intake pre-filters as well as CamGT final EPA air filters and lowered degradation by 70%, reduced water wash requirements, and saved approximately $1.24M USD per year.

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