Get tough on dust. Camfil’s dust control and air filtration solutions are specially designed for high performance in harsh mining environments.
At Camfil, we work together with mining and engineering companies and contractors to find effective, reliable solutions to control dust in mining operations to protect workers, the environment and equipment while maximizing production.
A clean plant helps to improve the health and safety of its employees, and helps mining companies to comply with stringent permit requirements. Along with this, a clean plant also boosts the morale of the people who work there, helping them to feel pride in what they do. As an additional benefit, a cleaner plant also reduces wear on components, reducing maintenance and improving reliability.
Mines and quarries are dusty, dangerous places. Controlling dust from mining processing equipment, such as crushers, screens and conveyor transfer points, poses a tough challenge. Government agencies have strict limits on dust emissions and work with mining companies to reduce such emissions around mine sites to protect people and the environment.
If emissions are too high, production might be cut back and fines imposed. That’s another reason why proper design and selection of dust control equipment and air filtration solutions is crucial. Simply put, minimising emissions allows for production of more product.
Camfil offers custom dust-control systems that are designed to withstand the rigors of the mining environment. Our Gold Series dust collector is ideal for meeting mining industry requirements in the 2.5 micron and 10 micron size particulate matter (PM) ranges.
Our industrial dust and fume collectors are extremely reliable and rugged, with a heavy-gauge construction and modular design that optimise field flexibility in harsh environments. And, they offer ease of service and reliability for a cleaner workplace.
Controlling emissions from screening equipment and to the attached transfer point reduces harmful dust exposure to people and reduces clean-up around the area, while providing a clean appearance to meet compliance with permit requirements.
Dust collectors and air handling units help to capture the small, freshly-fractured dust generated during crushing, protecting personnel, improving the air quality of surrounding areas and reducing wear and tear on crushing plants.
Controlling the emissions from a conveyor transfer point reduces dust exposure to people and clean-up around the area, while providing a clean appearance to meet compliance with permit requirements.
Air inlet filtration systems are essential for the operation of air compressors. Environmental and operational conditions can vary drastically, so companies need to adapt the required filter solution to the local site conditions and operations.
In many electrical rooms like offices, labs and server rooms, equipment must be protected from dirty outdoor air, dust or fumes from adjacent production processes or from excess humidity.
Assay, or analytical, laboratories can be found in fields such as medical, pharmacology, environmental biology and molecular biology. Quality air handling units will reduce exposure to the small dust particles generated during the assaying process.
GSX collectors are ideal for use in pharma, mining, food and chemical processing industries. They also provide a safer work environment in metalworking applications like welding and cutting.
Manufacturing and machinery